Reviews from THE IDIOT with NeWorld at the PuSh Festival

"Within this design- and concept-heavy show, there are some extraordinary performances. Kevin MacDonald’s portrait of Myshkin is chief among them. Innocence isn’t easy to play, but MacDonald’s Myshkin glows with goodness. And the simple depth of feeling he finds is wrenching."                   - Colin Thomas, Georgia Straight

"We first meet Prince Lyov Nikolayevich Myshkin, the titular idiot, on a train. He explains to a fellow traveler that he has spent many years in a sanitarium in Switzerland where is was being treated for “fits.” Played with perfect guilelessness and excellent comic timing by Kevin MacDonald, Myshkin is a complete innocent about to enter the lion’s den of corruption, greed and sex that is St. Petersburg high society in the mid 19th Century."

-Erika Thorkelson, Vancouver Sun